
Post Box Renewals

As a BotswanaPost Customer, you can now Pay and Renew your Post Box Online at the comfort of your home.

Prepaid Electricity

Botswana Post we promise 98% Uptime and Trust us to offer you as our valued customer reliable system to purchase Prepaid Electricity.

PosoMoney Card-To-Wallet

PosoMoney, we now offering our subscriber ease of use online service ,to transfer funds from Visa Credit/Debit straight into mobile wallets.

Money Transfer

As a BotswanaPost Customer, you can now transfer money online at the comfort of your home.

Motshidisi Premiums

Botswana Post we promise 98% Uptime and Trust us to offer you as our valued customer reliable system for Motshidisi Premium paymnets.

Mosako Premiums

PosoMoney, we now offering our subscriber ease of use online service ,to transfer funds from Visa Credit/Debit straight into mobile wallets.

Vehicle Licence Renewal

As a BotswanaPost Customer, you can now renew vehicle license online at the comfort of your home.Then delivered to your home or Post Office within 48hours.